aye it was piss poor... he shudda just quit while he was ahead tho i did really enjoy meself and thought he was ok.............didnt like...
i had a mint nite....well worth it!! was most impressed by ian shepphards tune-age! :):):):) payin 4 it today tho.........................
wot time do doors open? i dont finish wrk til 9.30....where shall i meet u's?
lol! r u comin out to play stranger?
aye but i aint gettin there til 9.30/10 coz im workin :( wot time u goin 4?
si have u got a tik yet hun??
whose been rude btw?
totally agree..i dont like rude OR miserable people..... specially miserable.......y go thro life bein a nob? get the most out of it n be...
her played flamin june!? :o waaaaaaaaaaaah!!
so how was it? had to miss another promise yet AGAIN! :( but how was sir guy? did he play 4 hours? did i miss a belter?
fantastic mr fox........the twits! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................
erm dunno...........can u not get em on the door?
wohooooooo!! nice 1
mr hardwick for me! everytime!
kids books can u remember which were ur fav books as a kid i was lay awake for ages last nite rememberin how good funny bones n cat in the hat...
is phil, rozz, giz etc goin too?
im workin too so i aint out :(:(:(::(:(
YES! i loved this! i can even remember how the tune goes!
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