aye im askin! lol! u comin??
Re: Matt Hardwick U R the boy! FAO THE PROMISE TEAM! yay! totally agree wif u hun matt h is defo my fav dj.........ive always had a...
aye i may as well coz i aint out tonite im on lates tho so i cant get there til 9.30 one o0f me mates from wrk comin too! u gunna come...
anymore for anymore? or am i gunna be stuck in a room of students i dont no :(:cry:
i had the same fing happen to me but if u aint sposed to use it & its their equiptment and used in their time.......there aint a lot u can...
im goin prog
me mums idea! hehe!
bri mr HH?
the uni on weds is any1 botherin with this? judge jules & altern8! heheh!!
shame, it used to be a good mag but recently its just been full of tits n arses! not my cup of tea!:mad:
this boards gettin like gurn! pah!
urgh! i was hungry :( reminds me of the time me n me mum spashed beef soup n bog roll round the loo n waited for me dad to come...
dont fink il be there the second time il av missed ornadel this year :(
o, course it is.....ridiculously so......... but i reckon they no they wont get that, which is y theyv aimed that high i spose-if im makin sense?
its totally cheesey! i hate it! sorry!
i think they do deserve a payrise
alfredo, check yer PMS!
OMG! that would be so nice if it happens.....i can actually stay uyp here for ny! :D
aye yer so rite!!! ive lived up here 2 1/2 years now n im gunna settle here! ive lived in many places b4 here, but nowhere compares to...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Name That Tune :o) that the one that samples moby go?
Separate names with a comma.