Oh aye.
Aye, ive had some of my best nights there, it has to be said :clap: You there on Saturday Nat?
Congrats! :drunk: Does this mean your not allowed on Sat for Promise? :D U should come, there must be at least 5 people who wanna kill you!...
John, you should write the M8 article. :lol: No offence Lee! :p
one good turn deserves another . . .
I hear Mad C will attend if shes coming.
bastard :lol: 'the jaw' is currently retired and has been for 3 months now, for those that werent aware was actually pondering a 'one night...
Re-open the Whats On forum and charge £2 to start a thread.
Stay in quite a lot these days actually. Pick and choose my nights better these days. But this will be good. If only for the banter.
:lol: :lol:
Spud knows too. He wont have to pay for a drink all night. Im sure Deaks will do him free entry. The man loves his trance ffs!
ive seen far worse ;) dunno bout the ball grabbin though :spangled: i have far worse of me stored on my comp! :lol:
DARUDE has to come on Sat. Without stating the obvious too much - If he doesnt come to this one, he will never go to a single Promise. And for...
a wall got abused one night . . .
Im in. :up:
agreed 100% i didnt know owt about woods, and ive just been told what to expect all i can say is :( :cry: hope i make it till 4
true :up:
Back Room We should have proper promise-old-skool stlyle prog in the back room on Saturday. Its not too late. Are Parks and Wilson busy? :D
HAS TO BE SEVEN CITIES Everyone who was at the second birthday will know what im talking about. Was the first 'big' meet-up. Amazing ending....
Dave Seaman - Jan 2001
Separate names with a comma.