HEY im just concerned for a m8!! :) :wink:
dan stop telling her to shoot herself, the frame ov mind shes in at the mo i fink she mite take ya serious!!:( :lol:
get in i sussed it, was only my second attempt aswell!!:D
:love: :hug: :flowers: :hug: :love:
:up: :wink: :lol:
kel ya gona have to calm down otherwise i fear you mite have a brake down or sumit!!:)
i dont even know wot is funny!! im serious me!!:D
lol @ kelly thinking we pick on her :o :o :angel2:
KEY WORD there is tidy hun, you wuda been wreaked and just imagining things!!:angel2:
YES SORT IT OOT !!:lecture:
HONESTLY kel aint got a clue wot ur talking about!! :D
:down: awwww bless i bet its gona bug you till you see it aswell, you gonna have to have loads more to drink then (wot makes ya bad makes ya...
:o ME i do no such thing kel, youve been eating chocolate (or is it cheese) before bedtime again and having them nightmares havnt you!!:lol: :p
sarah just ignore em all i think they just like picking on you to pass the time , youll never see me being this bitchy to you !! :p :D
congrats hun glad you won :D bet thats cured ya hangover a bit aswell has it??:angel2:
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo listen to you trying to be bitchy :o :(
i pmd her ages ago, shes pretending to be busy at work again i think like!! cummon sarah we all know you dont do any work really!!:p :D
:lol: :lol: i knew id get you to bite
now now boys behave yaselfs, its only a game at the end ov the day man!! :p :laugh: :tounge: :lol:
i know ive seen a video clip paul got on our camera its really funny, shame it hurts me when i laugh tho!!:cry: :cry:
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