Its canny funny though :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tidy Weekender 14 :p
Aye we had run out tbh even i can vouch for that - oh well whose worried
Im saying where you said 'some lass' and 'detox posters' as far as im aware im the only lass who helps do the poster run so you can kind of see...
I see what your doing here lmfao - Keep me out of it
Well keep me out of it I have never been near a judgement day poster let alone pull one down and id like smurf to prove that otherwise!!! Cant be...
:lol: :lol:
i remember this i think its already on youtube :confused:
you reckon they were wasted being on 1st? when we saw them they were amazing definitely brought the atmosphere up
This has to hurt Taken at Torture Garden in London :cry:
top pictures :D
I hope this aint aimed at me ive not taken anyones posters down jesus the hassell when you do favours for people :rolleyes:
Well aye they were immense at Fantasylands not my usual cup of tea but id deffo would love to see them again
Deffo theyve been my high light of 2007 and im not even into this sort of music!! :love:
Thats one shit hot lineup obsession, Mikey B infact all of them wahey deffo a date in my diary Art of fighters please!!!! x
Whens this happening then? So I can book the time off work
Excellent cant wait to see them they were really good a few weeks back
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