Indeed I fcuking will; have you never heard the statement, "For evil to triumph, it is necessary only for the good people to do nothing" ?...
Confuzzled, your argument is a perfect example of divide and rule. If the UK can choose not to invade a country, then why shouldn't the North...
Lack of unity and decentralistion, the fundamental building blocks of capitalism, have precluded the prevention of both world wars and many...
Yes, it does update at a certain rate. Don't think it does it in a scanning pattern like a CRT tho.
Alcohol is generally considered to be the oldest drug - it occurs naturally in rotting fruit in enough quantities to have an effect. Has been...
The majority of voters have fuck all idea about the underlying economic issues and are swayed by "SAVE OUR POUND!¬!" etc. The main issue to them...
they are called Feral cats - it just means a domestic cat born wild.
Turn the capture rate down on cam. This will ensure at least one entire frame of monitor video is captured per frame on your recording, so there...
I have the predecessor to the 6600 with identical features ( pretty much ). Absolutely cracking, wouldn't trade it for the world, and definitely...
:O fuck me tiger ( pardon the gay implication), I wish I got shit like that for my Bdays. For my 18th, I got a fob watch. Family heirloom,...
Don't use one - what does that say about me? :confused:
Indeed. I would LOVE to see a 100 percent tax on income over 200 k a year and 100 percent inheritance tax. The beginning of my socialist agenda :)
New labour are also for the most part shit. However, I would prefer "shit" to " absolutely fucking wank", as we would surely have under...
As far as big names go, I's still vote Tiesto. Not seen that much of him tho :D
Good. The UK is shit.
And your worry about the pound losing strength is? Not to mention, it is at a long term high vs the dollar at the minute..
50 p ;)
Pah, im looking for some new shirts as well. Need XXXXL or 5XL tho :( I do have one XXL shirt that fits, from america tho :)
TFT monitor for 150 plus tv card anyone? :)
Tom Harding mix CD from Trees last week :)
Separate names with a comma.