at the 2nd gods kitchen at the arena, this guy came up to me and was chatting to me about crasherkid (just kept refering to him as 'your...
its a cocker isnt it? ive got two of roan and tri colour...6 and 8 now! old dogs! altho brodie still thinks hes a puppy :p
does she do baby dolls? ill take a look
good response, tell me, why dont you like it...cos i love it...but...i love it as a peice of artwork...have never seen it on sum1's skin...but i...
hmm...always thought you were a little older. 17 was my favourite age...i want to be 17 forever (but with an ID that says im 21)
my sides are dead tickleish so i've been advised to get it done dead centre cos apparently it hurts more where your ticklish, but only 2 people...
i'm 100% sure about that design. i totally love it. just not 100% sure abouit getting it on my spine but, as crasherkid is painfully aware, i have...
Re: The Lurve Calculator ! Results: Heather Eastwood and Martin Gordon are 97%COMPATIBLE! Congratulations! You're a match made in...
nah, dont want creams and numbing stuff...cos i tend to be allergic to too much. i dont do pain very well...very low pain threshold...i need 6...
i remember being 18! (think i was 18 in that av but may have been 19) i'm nearly 21 now tho! i dont like it :(
Attention Tattooed People! im getting a tattoo for my 21st birthday off my dad and his girlfriend. I have decided where (body) to have it...
Re: I never knew Crasherkid liked 2Unlimited! leave him alone. :p i took that, was the morning after his 18th Birthday. he'd drank a lot...
stop stalking that man! he will get a restraining order put on you! my sister has lived in leeds for just over 5 years and i go and see her...
Re: the boards gone mad aye, the people were always mad.:)
ive just asked my mum for jeans, my dad for a tattoo, my sisters for accesories and my mates for a boyfriend.
friday - packing more of my stuff and then getting drunk saterday - pricing up my tatoo and then getting drunk in leeds sunday - coming back...
gump's everyones favourite. He keeps waiting for me and walking me home from the club on a night so i dont have to walk alone :) been...
lost or accidently thrown at a car windscreen? im getting my mum and step dad a painting on canvas for their new conservetory (its having an...
i dont care...i want him...i can do the cooking, he just has to do the tidying up (while waving those j cloths!):love:
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