I've been trying to, just been practicing my maths, I used to be really good at maths but don't really do much maths at uni so not as good as I...
Thats the same day I've got my assessment is it 1-4
Friday - Promise Saturday - whatever everyone else is doing Sunday - preparing for assessment day on monday
Aptitude and Physchometric tests Does anybody know any good websites where you can get practice tests for graduate aptitute tests, mainly verbal,...
I had one a while back on sat morning after the last promise! It was dead easy only lasted for less than 10 minutes, just asked what my...
Hopfully will be ok for friday, my cars shit in the snow
Whats the weather like now, theres no snow in Sheffiled yet, coming home at the weekend so hope its clear by then
Had really good time, thought Armin played well and his set was class in some parts but other parts were quite flat and I did get bored towards...
Friday just going into town for a few drinks Saturday off to Gods for Armin Sunday sleeping
Matt Hardwick Charity Event Havn't heard much said about this lately Are people still going and is there a coach sorted yet?
Not up to much this weekend apart from doing loads of uni work, went out last night tho
I've never had any problems at Crasher, you get seached on the way in but once your inside there fine. The woman with the red hair used to be...
Well done mate
Got a 2500 word essay to write this weekend then hopfully going to the pub on sunday if I havnt lost the will to live!
I've really enjoyed Liverpool everytime that I've went and me brothers at uni there and he loves it. Its a bitter destination to pick than...
Mine was crasher in October 2001, when I first moved to sheffield, Jules was on and matt and I think Seb Fontaine was on aswell
I prefer it monthly aswell cos then you've got the opportunities to go to other nights, you can never get people to go anywhere if it classes with...
Happy birthday!
Got no idea what I'm doing yet but I'll be back in N'castle
At rupublic and bed you used to have to empty your pockets and go through a metal detector, not so much at republic but you always had to do it at Bed
Separate names with a comma.