Even if it did become law the police wouldn't have enough resources to police it, the police knows exactly whats going on in clubs like promise....
Business and Marketing at Sheffield Hallam Only got 6 months left till I'm not a student!
I've got my last shift at work tomorrow, cant wait! They were well pissed off when I told them I wasn't working next weekend cos I was going home
Its called Strutt at republic on a tuesday night, £4 NUS, I wouldn't bother going over xmas tho cos students are the only ones who go there and...
I've stopped wearing my yellow one when I realised everyone in my lecture had one! They were cool about a month ago, soon all the charvas will...
They've had loads of big names at the Sheffield equivalent, Richard F, Kenny Dope, Mylo etc, still only ever gets half full tho
Most of the times I've seen him I've thought he was boring and always plays the same tunes every time
Havn't got them yet, in Sheffield till next friday so if you find out this weekend I can get them sorted next week if you want
Its alright mate, we all know:lol: :lol:
Are you with Bella? She was canny pissed when I phoned her before?
Tonight probs doing some uni work Saturday and sunday at work all day, second last weekend before I leave, cant wait! Sat night might be...
Well done mate Not sure when I'll be at the next Vuzz, possibly 18th
Defo, I've been going to go to every Ahead thats been on but always end up missing it for another night. When I finish uni I've still got my...
Been nowt like this in sheffield for ages, seems like theres ben loads of new nights starting off in sheffield now that I havn't got that long...
Crasher last night had an amasing night at Crasher last night the atmosphere was so good, it felt like it was a weekend rather than a...
The price is going up when your getting an hour less I'll still be going tho
Would come but I'm in Sheffield, going to Crasher instead Get to see Matt HArdwick for third time in 6 days!
Went to Goskitchen at Nation last year, had a class night but crowd was a bit rough, thought nation was a shit hole and the toilets were stunk....
Apparently when sash played at evissa he wore a tracksuit with Sash! written across the front in big letters, thinking he was looking cool:lol:
If my mam went to go out dressed from head to foot incyber I wouldn't let her leave the house It's not very likely tho as my mam can't handle...
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