yeah spose :( roll on benidorm :rolleyes:
fuck, im abroad then. talk bowt timin cos i was plannin to go 4 me first time the week afta i get bck :mad: :mad: :( :(
lmao! he sd he cud take uz i a fight. i just pointed n laffed :p
this is my gift, this is my curse, i am... spiderman.
look 4ward 2 it :D oh, n joe showed uz wot waffin is :eek: it is canny gay :D
last nite?? i met u 4 the first time on fri n ur doin a bunk? where u off?:eek:
very well sed ;)
im showin me face there. so where we goin 2 hav this meet up cos it looks like sum peepz wanna meet inside. more than welcome 2 come if u want lee :)
hallo m8ey ;) good 2 hav ya
good good arnie m8, i avent been since picotto either :( if this is the same lad ive been talkin 2 on msn (jarraslot) look out 4 me wearin me blue...
Re: Interviews im sure they do stuff like that 4 JJB sports. i no they split in2 groups n that :)
Merry xmas me laddo...doh!!:mad: :D
:o the evils of drink :D
wens it on n wo time?? im tres interested :)
any1 heard brooklyn bounce - loud n proud?? pure cartoony class :D:D:D
chiller twist - the way. PROPER prog trance :D
lmao, poor kezz :rolleyes: dbl/trpl voddy n red bull. marvellous :D:D:D
wkd, lets c how many goons wif dust masks i can fit in 1 pic :D:D:D:D theyre makin their debut this fri dontcha no ;)
lol! nice :D im takin a digi camera this fri. zit ok if i get me pics put on the site?:confused:
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