I can hope... A flying cat, courtesy of the advancing science of genetic engineering, would be a CRAZY :bonkers: pet to have! *closes eyes and...
Business heads... I can see plenty of bankruptcy fodder in this thread. :lol:
Worst... I have a track called 'Jungle Bells' which is a drum and bass version of 'Jingle Bells' I've had it for over 10 years and would not part...
Seek... http://www.creatinefacts.com/ Katie, check here and you will learn all you need to know. :)
Report... We both played well. I was beaten in the third round by the last tournaments winner. Phil lost to the kid who beat me last...
Counter... ALL THE LADZ (Trap Card) An attack is negated and absorbed. My move. *thinking*
Cartoon... The cartoon series has kiddy rules which do not relate to the real TCG game. A Mystical Space Typhoon on the equipped monster...
Hmmm... Only if you don't know his weakness. ;)
Accepted... I accept. :)
Playing... It is. :)
The Sword of Damocles... I have 4 names, and am wrestling with the last one. Basically 3 CD's warrant the 5th place, but I can choose only...
Re: Re: Re: Agreement... Hmmm, another 'wanking' related reference from Ruth eh? :)
Activate... I counter with the magic card MYSTICAL GOGGLES OF GLASS which reflects the Fierce Pointing and destroys the monster who initiated...
Re: Re: Yugioh Tournament The Millennium Puzzle holds the soul of the Pharaoh, who sacrificed himself 3000 years ago, to prevent the Dark...
Exactly... That’s because it’s not a kid’s game Brid. The rules are complex, but don't let that get to you. Chaining might seem crazy now,...
Re: TRY THIS FOR SIZE!!!!!!!! Easy. Magic card Destiny Board Letter N. It's a part of the Final Destiny Trap card set; initially F with I,...
Chaos... Mmmm, the Magician of Black Chaos. I can't wait for the English version to come out. :)
Yugi... Yugi.
Yugioh calling... Back to the thread. Yugioh is mint! :king:
Lets be clear... He's not my 'Nemesis' he is an individual I wish to meet one day. :)
Separate names with a comma.