i fuuuuckin know i was so gutted.......................................... the cookster is my hero yet i've never seen him play due to...
thinking of next friday is the only thing thats keeping me going... i'm sooooooooooooo fucking hungry:chill: it's gonna be messy. i have no...
i was originally signed up as phil... but however i put my e-mail in rong so couldn't activate my account.. so i signed up as the phily which...
holiday of death! greetings funky monkeys from ridiculously sunny malia....... fuck me it's hot... thats rite i'm ona pretty crappy holiday....
that'll be 1 pound please.. "whit????? a fucking pound??? a fucking pound i'll kill you and shit on your stall!" Okay... take it take it...
me nd u bouze with your antique knowledge and my foul mouth we are sure to win!!!!
alreeeeeeet matey
yeah she tried 2 get phily back...
james, we both know we r just bigots
sanely selective
that's me not the other phil.... I fink u shud.... DITCH THE BITCH
u need earths bouze. it'll stop that hum when you have both faders up... new needles 'll stop the ramant skipping but not the hum.....
nah i got bored and started pressing random answers.
i got 19% i'm a good guy
Re: Re: Dont u hate it when...
tee hee. this is a fuckin top topic. anyway i know smartini loves me really.
here you go joe a cyber handbag 4 ya;)
????????? we dres the same.
alreet then.......... if u want to give phily some cyber claathes i'll wear them on friday... i'll be a cyber gimp for a week then
right if you're gonna be fucking nasty you can fuck off right. i never brought comment on the way cybers dress and don't expect to have comments...
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