Thats the more scary looking flyer i've seen in a long time.
I thought we had a Tory/Libdem coalition? no? ;) Clegg is doing a great job of going back on every single election promise they ever made. So...
What, even the ones who torture innocent people or kill civilians? Im pretty sure the 'insurgents' (or 'FREEDOM FIGHTERS' as they are usually...
Its a shame its almost getting to the point where people treat you like you are committing high treason if you dare say anything about the armed...
What difference does it make if drug companies make recreational drugs - they make drugs for everything else don't they. Anyways, people need...
Roll on WWIII. I look forward to the days when the Chinese are in charge. At least they know how to get things done these days.
Dane Bowers arrested / Mephedrone...
areeet like mate. Have you got a farmville on facebook? Come and join us all on there like hew.
People who bleat on for ages about looking forward to going to something. And then sack it off at the last minute after a mysterious 12-24 hour...
Yeah, i suppose if you can influence government policy once every 20-25 years then you are onto a good thing ;) .... the poll tax would have...
I dont wanna sound overly negative, but maybe people need to realise that politics is not about the people (IN MY OPINION). It would be great to...
When the pills got shit, all the peace, love and unity drifted out the window like cheap soap bar smoke .... and in floated intolerance and ignorance.
How dare these people make such elegantly worded, well balanced, arguably true and passionate statements to the press.
the English Defence League sounds pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have space ships, advanced weaponary and the ability to nuke all non...
wow. 35 muslim extremists. If there was ever an excuse to nuke Iran, Pakistan and any other secular Muslim state - this is it! *groan*
True enough, but times have moved on. We have a new generation of people too jaded and 'entertained' to know the carpet is being pulled out from...
You can probably count on one hand the number of times the government has caved in to public protests. It would take dischord on a MASSIVE scale...
Its funny how the country suddenly grows a set of balls whenever the 'tory scum' (even if it IS a coalition government) are in power. The irony...
He's only 'imposing' at the point where the media give him all their attention, in order to sell newspapers to the public who are all too happy to...
Abu Hamza is being kept in the public eye for a reason. The masses need a bogey man to stick on the front of the Sun every few months, to...
Separate names with a comma.