i only got the guesty if i brought along 10 friends and since i was otherwise tied up on the 7th there was no point, hence why i forwarded you to...
The 21st was moved forward to Sat just gone, so on the 7th I am out in Hexham to see a couple of mates and then if I can be bothered to get the...
jon silva is the kiddy..... downloadin now
Stickin me heed in for this.
hooooow looooong has this been goin onnnnnnnn
the twang love their stuff, two lovers is totally class theyre playin the academy on the 8th oct, cant wait :D
there blow the roof of:) :)
Thats tonight, there's 2 shindig's this wkend.
I reckon so :lol: :redface:
the fare dodgers are breaking the law so technically can the ticket inspectors not carry out a citizens arrest using reasonable force? i dont...
I reckon we should get a seperate newcastle events forum so I don't have to read this trollop, I don't live in Leeds so why should I have to sift...
it will still be held on the database however it won't be disclosed, i am fairly certain criminal records are void after 10 yrs anyways
peetu s - plug in what a record this is like proper bangin techno, his best track ive heard
thats the one top tune
that sunkissed trance cd was class, i used to put it on all the time too, best track was that northstar? track by oliver someone
dont say that man :monkey: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: i deffo need to be more careful with money i spent it all on clothes
no money, i knew it was on should have put some aside :cry:
Shindig Sept Listings Nee sign of sasha yet then.. Saturday 1st September Satoshi Tomiie Scott Bradford Saturday 8th September Shindig...
happy bday
Separate names with a comma.