well im bound 2 get sum cash off u if i do that rnt i?! u like prozzies :lol: :lol:
i wud jus get sum ££££ off me mam n go buy sum! but yet agen im spoilt!!:angel3:
i reckon itl b shell, shes jus boring!!
is the eviction on at 1/2 10 or 9??
i hope dan goes. i think he is sooooo anoying!!!
he cud of jus bin randomly sayin it 2 all ppl. im tired man, n soooo bored!!!
how was i meant 2 know? im not blonde but sitin behind this computer screen, u cud neva tel! it cud of bin 2moro or any otha day :rolleyes:
when is it???
ive got my chinese on fast dial, they always know wot i want n its at me door in bout 5mins :lol:
jus if i dnt stop off 4 anythin 2 eat! suppose i can get it delivered
im at work till 10, so ill miss them all!!! :cry2:
"please pass the pie!" :lol: :lol:
or the person who says "stand clear of the doors please" :lol:
he cus still go but take along sum otha m8s. then it wnt seem like a "date" type thing. then he wnt hav 2 explain himself 2 her or anyhtin like...
:lol: :lol:
i always wantd 2 be a dolphin trainer 2!! since i went 2 sea world wen i was little. :D
Re: would ya? :lol:
only jokin hun, me luvz ya really
i jus dnt like yours :lol:
wud u hav sex wiv u, if u wre me???!!!!
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