i bet if u stayed ther 4 longer tho, u wud b wishin u wer home. living in a crap country like briton, u can appreciate goin abroad more. which...
u sound like a fitness instructer. u got a hidden obsetion with mr motorvator or sumthin, ure not tellin us bout? :D
that must b y im always tired then, goin wiv u peter :lol: :lol: :love:
Re: tiredness :( yea peter is constantly tired, but i think its just coz hes lazy tho. :D
oi!!!! :D
i luv ya really man :love: :love:
peter in the morning peter at dinner tym peter at t tym peter at supper tym peter at bed tym PETER IN BETWEEN! hehe :lol: :lol:...
why did u make a post bout it anyway? y cudnt u jus pm him or summit? so then evry1 wudnt b abl 2 join in slaggin him off. thats jus mean! :D
u'z 2 must lead sad lonley little lives! :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: i dnt care if u wank! i jus take the piss outa ya, coz wen i 1st met ya u used 2 wank bout 10 tyms a day coz u cudnt get...
i used 2 hav purple lenses, pretty cool. but they were really soft,n i cudnt hardley feel them wen i was puttin them in. they used 2 always move...
:tut: :tut: :tut:
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