so infact, there could have been an equally large chance of there being a communist germany? if the nazi party hadn't taken heavy handed tactics?
not everyone had nothing, look at how the workers party was initially funded............wealthy germans. it the new 'strormtrooper' magazine?
well,I created this post to assertain, using general consensis, how people in mid-war germany came to the crossroads were the only two main...
i'm not sterio typing, or creating a distorted reality i haven't stated that the people of religion of islam are all suicide bombers or...
tho it is interesting to see how people might have acted in germany mid war. communism- many people had nothing after WW1, inflation was...
i don't think it is a photoshop job, ( well i didn't do it ) the story is taken from here...
countries at the time of the bolsivic (spelling*) revolution were not as dependant on other countries as they are now, splendid isolation of...
so you would choose fascism?
Comments on this picture? [img] does this scare you, it was placed outside finsbury park mosque.
part of what communism aspires to is, A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the...
that is why it is arguable, however the concept of all the people working together for the good of the state, has worked.
communism has arguably worked in china comrad;)
don't rally eat sweets, if i do though i love revels my mate has a peanut allergy, and one day at work someone got pissed off at him and told...
yup, get ya a drink later on mate out in boro or yarm?
phew, stopped now, just didn't like the sound of that.
Help, my computers .........clicking, they shouldn't do that surely there is a random clicking coming from the tower, anyone know what it...
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