:lol: :lol: @Jess having a wet dream :lol:
The Hof stil loves you baby :lol: Is it me or is he truning into a tall tom jones lokalike ?
:lol: did you see him wap the hammer out and do a backflip with it tucked atween his legs :lol: the bloke is mental pure utter crazy .. hes gonna...
Gate . £50 buy in £5.00 re buy only until a certain piont though ! :D
Thuirsday - in leeds for works night out only my second one since joining . the first one the boss took us to a seedy lap dancers called red...
:screw: spence friggin hell where is he these days anyhow ?
Agree with you nit could / has been good but will just turn ionto the next cheese feature !
truer words have never been spoken :love: :love: :love: :cool2: :love: :lol:
What happend hear then ive heard about some groping incident and noticed the name change ? did he defile the coop ?
Theres people that do this in every town not just freaky little britain places like seaham ! there are at least three i can think of in west...
Jess you have gone a bit overboard recentley with the name change tantrums or maybe there just getting scared of your ever increasing sleaze...
she did mate shes an actress ! doing some new series down south at present
yeah i just seen this today as well hope you had a good un ! :D
Re: Jobs how many agencies are you registerd with ? Try kws in town its just on the corner next to central station where the hertz garage is !
:lol:They still dont know where to play him man ! he started in centre mid then got moved to centre back , wing back winger and centre forward !...
ah ok thw blonde hair threw me ! but phwoar and double phwoar !
You new shed take revenge though !
:king: I love it when you talk all intelligent :love: :p
Get them a pill and swap it for a lacsitive ! theyl think twice before buying them again . 14 over how long a period ? are you talking an all...
Just had me a Magnum classic to cool down :drool: :drool: Yeah !
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