Mark ashken is the mutts nuts! nice booking :D
Me and Svet are doing it! :D
BOOM! cant wait to get up for this, should be able to get some cracking footage for the show :D
Saw him last month at subspace in manchester on a random sunday! was absolutely mint, proper deep driving minimal!
flying from london stanstead early saturday morning to frankfurt then staying til late on monday afternoon. theres a pre party with hawtin and...
theres a fuckin shock haha. Ill bell you tonight when I finish work cheech, im back up north this weekend for a few days! :D
thats immense! not seen ash for so long now! if anyones got his current number could they pm it to me please, could do with catching up!
immense init! ill be bouncing between room 2 and 4 all night! :D
Timewarp! Floor I: Carl Cox, Rush, Chris Liebing, Pet Duo, DJ Murphy, Johnny D., Nick Curly, Stefano Libelle, Brian Sanhaji -live- Floor II:...
Cracking booking, in the north east the weekend of this so will try and get over!
Stealth have a night on with him booked in the next month, get ya clogs on for a road trip?
download ableton from a warez site, use it everyday and go through the tutorials you get with the program, use the net for tutorials aswell!...
i used to be seeing a lass from town end farm... used to.. actually i still would if my whoring reputation hadnt got the better of me lee of...
pfft only took you two weeks to reply, i could have cracked the enigma code by now lee by the way
im in nottingham and my whole fucking house rubmled! desk was shakin all over the shop i was about to shit myself then it stopped thankfully!
if your boys cant grab any points from blackburn at the weekend and we (fingers crossed) beat derby we'l go ahead of yous! blinding :D
would defs make the effort to go see Lawler again if i could get to this. Saw him about 4 years ago and didnt rate him at all but I saw him...
Belting!! ill be raping this when i get home, nice one mate
listened to this last night, really good mix, it flows very well. really into the sound you guys are pushing! :D
steve! I'm upto nothing much, going for a pint with Sasha & Danny Tenaglia and might do a couple of interviews or whatnot. :lol:
Separate names with a comma.