Prison Break Anyone been watching this show? It's out in the US, up to episode 6 now and it's really getting good.
live on packet noodles and pot noodle
Newcastle this weekend What nights are any good this weekend?
I love it when you're running late for work and you find out you haven't got any clean clothes suitable to wear, livid
Did they ask for it? My mate signed up to an agency at uni but never went through with any of the ones he got offered.
how many did you do extras with? :D
haha pmsl, you seen the state of her in the press?
depends if you have 15 kids like that wifey in the paper.
Find out what speed they are, it will more than likely have it written on the side of the ram. They will run at the slowest speed of either of...
Msn is probably the most unproductive tool you can use at work for the amount of time it distracts you from you work. Some of my mates use it at...
Jambon be honest, there real reason you want to know about it is so you can call as many girls from faceparty as possible. To stand a better...
got an ftp running on that? :)
come on jambon you are loaded, make the man a serious offer.
batfink up for some more spew action this weekend?
It stars ray winstone, the guy who was in sexy beast as well. It's one of his first film roles from what i remember, really good film.
Re: Re: Ways to make money? i've sorted out an advance today for 50% of my salary so that's should sort me out, don't get it till mid october...
it's set in a borstal during the 70's, some lad gets bummed in the greenhouse.
ah right, thought you meant go get a pro
and hows that gonna make me any money?
Ways to make money? Having rinsed a ridiculous amount of money this weekend in london and birmingham, I find myself today being told im not...
Separate names with a comma.