im sure i put 'no charvas allowed' on the flyers! bouncers not doing there job? ;)
lol @ baptastic. agreed Nass.
lol dont worry ash they are safe.
Spence> nah but i do ;)
exactly...i was doing him a favour!
aye im sure i did, had a huge list of names. Give me yer addy in pm again and i will resend one.
dougie you sod!! wait til i see you pisshead.
so u into it aswell hun????
come on, somebody must like to bum lasses????
Who likes........... BUM FUN?????
bring it the motherfuckin well cheesetasticated blasticated fragglaticatrated by the way im fuckn lost me tragiculatedrated next to me...
pah, ive never been abroad, never had a holiday for 10 years or so, always wanted to experience ibiza, and im overdue a break after me work shit....
haha, cheers remi, pleased you enjoyed it. Its a nice wide selection of 'listenable' techno. if that makes any sense
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u mean trace jim?? not trance.... uve got trance on the brain. nah no can do.
lol .. god knows who it was. it could easily be someone local if they wanted to and named themselves the Russian Network Terrorists.
am i that bad like jim?? cant remember huffing the russian maffia like!
hahaha class, they will probably win the game if they have a class keeper!!
lol barney thats the fella yip.
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