Job... Qualified human.
Re: Praise the geeks for creating the internet Praise the lord! :angel2:
Yeah right... :lol:
PFL... Pre Fade Levels. Look at any mixer and you will notice a log scale of dB's. These scales will have LED's going from green to yellow to...
For roundabout sponsorship?
Re: Re: Re: If you were Portugese... If we had Tennis hooligans, do you think the Lawn Tennis Association would come down on Henman as heavy?...
Cash cow... They do Fizz, the only thing is, its not cheap. Sponsor a roundabout, they say. Oh, let me hand you huge bags of money, on...
Who cares... Who cares? I don't for one. :)
Re: BOSH, BOSH, BOSH Carry on that man!
Witness... The Jehovah's Witnesses came knocking once. I put on a big black curly wig, a bit like the Scousers, before answering the door....
Haaa haaa... :lol: :lol:
Re: Re: Hello I will happily either PM feedback, or post it generally, depending on what the sender of the CD wishes. :)
Fire hazard... Happy birthday! :)
Trance... I will be playing very trancey I would imagine. :D
Slow bro... Sometimes it is so slow I could scream, thats with a 1MB link as well. :cry:
Blue... Feeling cold? :)
Really... You BLAM the Ket, as in you take loads, or you BLAME the Ket? :o
Perhaps... He is compelled to do it maybe? :o
Gready or greedy... You won't be greedy. Send both. :)
Imagine... Fizz, I can see the trouble that would cause! Good idea in some respects though. *mutters something about keeping things...
Separate names with a comma.