same ere actually, apart from the meet up. im sooo sorr 4 that :rolleyes:
i am absolutely skinted! i can never manag more than 3 weeks off the trot on my wage
i do it 4 the passion of the scene n the music. i luv it! :D
OH! THE BEST EVER! ali g indahouse - describin the bad guy to all the crews "he iz even more eviller den skeletoar" class. :D
good luck m8 :D
im hopin 2 make it this friday so if i do i'll have 1, i fink cahoot n twister happened b4 i joined the board so it'd b gud 2 c wot they wer like :)
predator- arnie: GET TO THE CHOPPER, GIMME THE WEAPON!! my m8 used to say that all the time:rolleyes:
yeah m8, thats rite. u go2 tynemouth college dontcha? every1, this kid is a rite charv!:p if i rememba ritely i once saw him pull up in a little...
thats it, im wearin one. youz can all fack orf!!:p apart form smart e, i'll bring one 4 ya m8
ah fuck, so im gona get flack 4 this am i? :( aw but i really wanna wear one!!
hey clarki m8, wuz u the one i met comin from the bogs? i was wearin me monkey business t-shirt. :confused:
same ere!:D youz ever doin gigs just giz tha word :)
sweet, cheers :)
LOL! youz r like a comedy couple LOL!
c, at least u cud fink of an animal beginnin wif k!! kestrel (:confused: )
LOL! no probs, just giz the word. which reminds me, whos gona cream at the telewest n wen is it again?? by the way, youd betta watch it wen ive...
youz ave gota let this kinda shit b known man! change of scene n that cos i never c any1 outside of promise :(
nah, ur just mackem :D:D:D:D:D
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