wot the fucks all this esoterika malarky? never heard of it! wens the nxt 1 n where cos it looks class!
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
denmark - then me mind went blank. i cudnt fink of an animal beginnin wif k!!!! so i thought of kestrel (:confused: ) n i cudnt fink of a fruit...
Groovy, baby! Your aura is a bright, shiny Gold — which means you're a kid at heart with a happy, generous nature. im sure this things...
haha, sweet. the ravemonkey revolution is upon us!!:p
i reckons we shud lob auz in a micro n munch on im. :D
u sure u dont want one m8? im tryin to start a revolution here! i nicked loads dontcha no :D i had to wear one for work wif goggles, white...
feck me, ive just come on n it looks like me masks arent popular :( . no probs smart e m8, i got loads more if yous want em. i fink i mite still...
u no i never thought of it that way :rolleyes: i think in my next appearence u'll all c me in true ravemonkey mode :D
sweet, as long as am not gona get heckled i mite just do this! plus i jjust nicked shitloads from work 2day :D so if any1 wants one drop a reply. :)
Dust Masks they mite seem a bit old skool but i like nothin betta than prancin round in one :D if im not gona get aggro i'll turn up wif 1 nxt...
yeah he was! he didnt pipe up tho, even after i pointed to him sayin he lat me out! nob :mad: ah, nice meetin u there aswell frankie m8. i mite...
im on one of the photos. its pretty pathetic tho. no. 51, im blurred in the background lookin a bit vacant :(
i lent mine to pilly phil. my word! i felt a rite pillick tryin to use them afta he'd had a go :rolleyes:
just 3 things! hey peepz. just gota get these out cos ive been away since fri nite. 1. wkd nite, wot i saw of it anyways, i'll explain shortly....
Smart E, Chao5 i no who u r i didnt fink any1 off the board came 2 tynemouth college (thats if u do!). hopefully meet yuz at the meet up 2nite :)...
lol, u giv im a rite hard time dont u?
if i can get a hold of sum i'll probably twat off sum1s hed or summat
nice 1 cheers :D:D:D:D
tell me wen u get your tkts n ill get mine :D
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