drinkin a 2 ltr of white lightning an skating down the bowling alley???:confused: :D
cool, i work down on the royal quays part time but im not tellin where. oh the humiliation. anyways bowling got my attention, i totally kick ass...
i was thinkin b4 (honestly) then it hit me. THRILLSEEKERS - SYNAETHSESIA!!! TUNE!
hey akira, where do u work exactly, on the royal quays???
actually it IS a shite idea:rolleyes:
uci? soz but i associate wednesdays wif the pictures cos its cheaper then. probably a shite idea tho:(
ive never met uz b4 but i mite b up4 it. just a damn shame im shite at thinkin up stuff 2 do...:rolleyes:
i reckons eddie shud sum of his scratch mixin tactics in there aswell
ive just finished tidyin my room n found the door leadin out the tw*t.
i'll prob get lynched 4 this but 2 tunes i loved were synth n strings and luvstruck. itwillalwaysbewithyou
the announcement at the top of the mission control board give u the details. just click on "sign me up" from there. dun n dusted.:D oh, an that...
by the way can any1 tell me how u save ur avatar once u made it cos im startin 2 lose me sense of humour about this shitty arse little monkey head...
alrite m8, u signed up 4 the meet up on the promises 2nd birfday. thats probably ur best bet 2 meet every1, im pretty new aswell so join the crew;)
eddie halliwell wud b great if he gets a residency cos it'd haf 2 b sum1 actuall associated wif the nite. any1 get his cd wif mixmag in december?...
by the way, duz any1 no how to save me stor trooper as an avatar???:confused:
lol, i made an attempt at cyber at the arena too, but not total cyber. i got a tube of that uv hair gel from katmandu n spiked it up. looked wkd...
sundissential north east-still on? duz sundissential still do their north east gigs dus any1 no?:confused:
cheers angel, that sites wkd
im just wonderin wot the cybers r like @ promise cos ive heard the ones at crasher can b rite nobs. im sort of a semi cyber, glo sticks, spiky...
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