I Won !1 <brag> At the British U21 Powerlifting Championships in Birmingham this Sunday, against fierce competiton ( a fat bastard fron Hull...
Damn I hate zealots of all convictions :/ . They piss me off big style. Look on the Last Temptation of the Christ board on IMDB for a good...
British Powerlifting championships tomorrow... ...Wish me luck, or tell me to sod off, as appropriate depending on your mood ;) Highlights on...
Get it all the time with my powerlifting, straining to get half a ton of metal off the ground, things tend to go Pop. Most common cause of death...
" Safe as Fuck " trance_fan, im gonna do tickets for that techno special at GG, u deffo not up for it?
Lol, I thought it was a bouncer for a while :)
Could say the same about your quote, its the same thing though, having a good time.
When I was 10 I was into 2 unlimited, snap,N-Trance, Scatman, PJ and Duncan, etc. Got the PJ and Duncan albums like :)
handbrake Turns trance_fan and I have just been out for a cracking session of handbrake turns ( on private land, of course ;) ) VW golf mark 4...
I get my 60 yr old mother to insure my car, it is officialy hers but she never drives it etc. At age 17, not passed test at the time, got insured...
My work made a pressude sphere in Hasteloy for Beagle :) Note that over 90 percent of our merchandise falls outside of quality control...
Never tried it and never will, long live alcohol, solvents and drinking poppers :)
Last night.... ...what the hell happened rto foundation? thought it was Disco Noir, got my kit together, bought my wormup drinks etc, get to...
Deus Ex, gotta be the best game ever, clocked it like 5 times :)
No such thing, statistical significance is the most contrived idea in all maths I have ever heard of.
1 unit is 10 ml alcohol, so multiply the size of the drink by its alcohol by volume, knock a zero off and you have its unitary content. For...
I'm fairly sure I knew all the basic thug diction by the time i started school at 5 tbh :)
its fuking piss easy to brute force most domain admin accounts, im a sysadmin by trade and I often experience weak passwords on my network (...
Use a duplex printer if u got 4 grand to spare :E otherwise, use manual duplexing software as stated above. Or just search for print manual...
Separate names with a comma.