Pah, not even snowed properly at all down here! :( Had a drop that just melted into the ground :( Gutted!
Aye, shes had them for yonks now. I read that she had them done to give her body proportion. I think she looks ok it that pic to be fair!
Aww,gutted u had a bad night darling, Liverpool can be a really good nite out, u just gotta kno where to go, like up here i suppose :down: Hehe at...
Aye them aswel. Best get into gear and get them sorted :(
thats a thought i need to get mine!! :dunce: Sean:: u got urs yet?
:laugh: See i told u HE was the sloppy one! :p
Hehe, i see... just being his usual self then! :p
I always grit my teeth in the night, ill have no teeth left soon!
Re: Re: Snow? It snows it WhitleyBay tho and thats near the coast!? Totally random, but im in the library at uni, and theres this black...
Re: Re: Snow? I kno!! :( It did once, but it was only a tiny bit and didnt settle, gutter!....Think its cos its in a valley or sumthing!!...
Ur such a romantic baby!, I love it.... Dont need money to please, what u do now is just fine :) x
:wink: best way to be!! Ur just as bad missus! :p I think boys are all dead soft really.... its just getting i outta them. Were going late...
Revel isnt a teacher is he? :confused: I thought he had a clothes shop?
Snow? Has it started snowing yet up home? I :love: the snow, so much, i turn into a big kid and always wanna go sledging and skidding and stuff!!...
Looks funny. I kno how much u wanna watch, so i guess ill be watching it to, huh? Bet one of them sues!
Oh they do!! there just hard to find! :laugh:
I always try my best to do stuff like that fotr me fella, I think romance should be on both parts. Not too long ago, i think i cooked us a...
My BoyF, is soo romantic and i love it! Its nice when boys express their feelings with little romantic gestures :love:
I actually dont mind that tune!! :redface:
Yes it was chris! Trying to get in with the moddy, using ur charm and wit!? whatever next?:p
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