It was on the radio this morn that there had been a cock up ! apparantley the asteroid is on course to miss the earth by sum 2,000,000 miles :D:D...
Happy Birthday :D
Appy Burfday mate :o
lol How did you guess ;)
defo long term :D
Cheers :D
Just rang Concepts in Durham and they have got some left ! *phew* :D
Tall Paul ! Why, Why, Why ?????? I keep recieving emails from Promise advertising Tall Paul this friday ! up to now i have recieved 27 :( any1...
foook that ! hehehehe :D The Letter can be the DJ's first name or surname ! So fo O we could Have Guy Ornadel ! :)
Re: Global Gathering Is this true ????
Who would you choose ? If PROMISE were to put on a night that was made up of there name i.e. P aul Van Dyk R O M I S E ddie Halliwell...
Think i will have to go to vuzz this fri for me first time ! if thats ok :D
Im defo there this fri ! :D
Re: Its Hot Here You gotta go to Ziggy and Charlies (bottom of Bar Street) and get one of the 8 litre Fish Bowls !!!! :D:D:D
Dont put Black Polish on Brown Shoes :D
BBQ Pringles and Salt and Vinegar squares ! :D
At a guess i would say ..... The opposite of Yes :p :D Hope ur hangover is clearing up ! :)
Happy Burfday :)
Good job u cleared that one up mate, Frankie has a thing about other blokes thinking of him ;):p
oooppsss ! just me with my friday afternoon heed on :p
Separate names with a comma.