:confused: :confused: :confused: tail?? :confused: :confused: :confused:
man that's the good stuff!
yeah yeah.... you get the kids hooked and wanting more then you Jack up the price..... *SOB* can i have a banana *i'm so weak* :D :D :D
alllllllllllllllreeeeeeeeeeeeeet! i'm the excitable small kid with lots of blonde hair!
i can't *gutted* really wanted to see marky play... got to go to my leaver's ball....
cheers peeps.. i think i will now.. anarchy that pic is fookin mint! i'm gonna use it as my avatar till friday! now... who thinks i should get a...
camera how come no-one ever takes fotos of me?? do i ming or summat?? just look on that promise posse thing and i'm not on any... *in A Huffy*
i was sitting down and they came, shined a torch in my face, shined it into my lap (presumabley to see if i had a stiffy) then at my feet. then...
who like my top on fri??? if ya want one give me some clothes and i'll customise them for you for a small charge to cover me expenses?? fancy it...
tux boyeee right it's my leavers ball on friday and i'm deff. coming to taucher, do you think i should come wearing my tux, which will include...
im deffo in... shud be a riiiiiiight laugh.. just tell me when and where!!
Re: Pyscho Analysis Test
omg i had the best night ever... only one that was ever as good as that was the last SSNE and thats saying summat.. class tunes, class k hole,...
i am possibly the most scared person in the world: i am scared of: clowns, china dolls, cows, pigeons, ladybirds, forks, cocktail sticks,...
that's quite a crowd! geddin... now more of them need to post.. look everybody, the judge's on.. oh my god i can't move
who fancies a buying my car?? look it's gorgeous
me 2. specially when they look like they're smuggling jelly tots under their tops
no actually this is the scariest thing ever
oh how hilarious you are.. you are a dick
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