what av you done. you had to go and tell me what it was ! now ive gone and got addicted, i know what my next written warning is going to be about !
no but one can forsee a big old explination - and possibly an invitation to play it ! :D as for daveena ?????? hold on, am i playing it...
you just gotta bear with it, it seems to mess you about for a bit. i do agree its the biggest pain in the arse eva !!!
yup sure will my names cameron so if you ask someone im sure they'll let you know where i am !
dunno about good but dont stay in the Galera. period.
with the pension service being such a humongous place, there is always the option of simply ignoring the c**ts, whaey, tbqh, there arnt that many...
I dunno if any of you lot have been 'up north' to the Alnwick area but for the size of our town would you believe that we have around 30 places...
yeah I work in Pension Credit too. Just changed my hours for the third time since I started in February. I've been here since the start and fair...
no no, working for the flamin pension service but am on my last full time shift as im hitting college on monday !!!! then part time...cant...
i will not say what race she is then. ***roflmao***
FAO all call centre monkeys Is it only where I choose to work or is this problem all over. you see, there is this lass, well woman, and she has...
I see you have feelings for this man ?:D
now i have the option of going down the sarcastic route but I wont. A m.i.l.f. is a 'Mom I'd like to Fcuk' - American Pie 1
Obvioulsy this man is very talented, one presumes he has a fetish for these things !
if you got new shreddies then your in the gang
Bloke Topic how come i work with soo many MILFs and why do they all flirt like nowt right. they know its wrong and they still do it. what sorta...
Re: Re: Re: Older Men & Girls Under 16 :-D - Why wont my smilies work. When I click on the smilie face link it shoots me to the top of...
from the days of booting people all over to the 2003 play yard fights consisting of mobile phones to the face. me iccle cousin christoper came...
aghhh fatal mistake soweee petal, I'll remember !
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