Why was the tune request thread locked? I dont want to add to it cos im the anti-spotter when it comes to tunes, i dont know what any of the ones...
Bored!!! God Im bored :rolleyes: Just thought you all needed to know!
Weird! Am on the channel 4 model behaviour site and this 'warning' popped up with alarms and everything saying i had a computer error and that...
B.o.b??? what are you doing here? Your supposed to be at sunday trading! :D Happy Birthday hunni! :p
Eden's Finished What to watch now? Big brother just wont compare! Yay for Cliona for winning but i recon kezhia and john should have got it :p
BUN's in the MICROWAVE!!! I just made fairy cakes in the microwave!! :eek: They only took 1 minute 20 seconds (much better than 20 mins in the...
New Shoes!!! God bless mothers and the buffalo's shop in Camden!! I wasn't even after shoes! Looked int he window, mum goes, 'Ooh, do you want...
Happy BIrthday Helz!! HappY BirthdaY to You! Happy BirthdaY to You! Happy Birthday dear ILUVUBROO!! HappY BirThdaY to You!! Hope ya get 22...
X Box Who's the X BOx by? And does anyone know where i can download the wicked mosquito music advert? I really have to have it! :p
Spooky Gets an Offer!! No not a sexual one ;) Finaly recieved my official offer from Newcastle/Durham University to study Medicine for the...
Shock, Horror!! Spooky is dressed before 2pm! :D
FAO: Fu Fu Just wonderin if youve got msn? Ive put in jules_7_uk@hotmail.com but it hasnt worked.
Try This! This is actually courtesy of iluvubroo! :p >CHOCOLATE MATHEMATICS > > >This is pretty neat how it works out. > DON'T CHEAT...
WoW!! i have the best cd collection ever! I can't believe i was gonna sell all my cd's on Ebay :eek: Have just been going thru them and they are...
Human Scarecrow, Excellent value! PLease take a few mintues to bid on my friend who is currently up for ayction on ebay (i have a feeling he...
FAO Si Are u on msn? Ur pm box is full! mines spooky5920@hotmail.com
Star Signs Just out of curiosity, whats everyones star sign? Mines scorpio, feisty ;)
Woke up far too early! Last night/this morning was my first chance to catch up on my sleep from last weekend, have been knackered all week and it...
Happy Birthday Mr Bear! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Mr Beeeaaarrrrrr! Happy Birthday to you! Hope you...
Messy's B'Day Pics Lookin less like vampires! Thank god for enhancement! :D
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