MIssing Me Terribly! Im sure you all are! While your all enjoying yourselves with high octrane Promise drama and parties dont forget about me...
When it hits the fan, it really does go everywhere! OK, last week I was doing ok, juts a bit stressed about exams an stuff, now life is horrible...
Whos coming to say goodbye? (not tonight now) I didnt really get a chance to say goodbye properly last friday. Am leaving on saturday so cant do...
FAO Promise Team I was just wondering if any of you had recieved my email last week? I know it was a bit cheeky to ask but I would have...
Yay!!! Its my last exam!! Woohoo! Ever :eek: Well ok not ever :rolleyes: Am I prepared? No. At this point do I care? No! Am I gonna be pissed in...
Avatar Thief!! Sorry Jules but I really liked yours! :p Have modified it tho! :D
Everyone say hello to Atlas! He's my big brother so you all have to be nice to me or he'll do you in :rolleyes: :p
FAO ALL DJ'S (not professionall) You heard it here first! Gurn.net are running a DJ Competition where the prize is a free trip to Ibiza WITH 2...
Haha Genius! Come and have a go if you think your hard enough :p
Could I be any more stressed?? No! lol! Its horrible, Ive been working and working but Im not sure if its enough, my first exam is on monday...
Happy Birthday Pike... Again!! Do you have lots of birthdays? Or is it just a ploy to get loads of happy birthdays and presants? :p Happy...
GameBoy Advance!! - How cool! Just arrived in the post! PInk gameboy advance with sonic!! :eek: How wicked? :D God bless Nintendo! :p
So many new people, So little time! With so many new people on the board I would like to take this opportunity to say welcome to you all in one...
Girls, arn't you glad you live in the 21st centuary! Extract from the good housewives handbook: Should your husband suggest congress...
Well DOne!! I think congratulations are in order! The promise news has obviousley got out and people were flocking last friday! I hope it was...
Solid Wicked night! Cheers Kerry! :p
HaHa, the things you can get on Ebay! And the government tells us there is no drugs problem :rolleyes:
Come Again? This is a problem i read in this weeks More! magazine! " Things were fine with my boyfriend untill two weeks ago. We were having...
2 Things that have annoyed me this week! *rant* 1. People have been complaining about the yorkie advert saying its sexist and should be pulled...
Sneezing Fits Extremely enjoyable :p
Separate names with a comma.