They'll be home in time for the next general election.
You lot are all sick for wanting to watch that sort of stuff! It's not entertainment! And those of you telling the apparent jokes need a good...
Why chav now and not charv? Really annoying! It's always been charva, so why the change? We invented it and we bred them first! Is it coz the...
I think Bush would be the lesser of two evils! Kerry would totally screw up the Iraq situation even more.
I give a big thumbs down for English call centres! Send em' all abroad!
I went to Laganas a couple of years ago and it was the worst place I've been on the med. In fact, it's the only place I've disliked! Everything...
Just coz one person said it was sick you've all got scared! I thought they were funny!
Have you seen Stevie Wonder's wife lately? Niether has he!!!!
What's big, red and eats rocks? A BIG, RED ROCK EATER!!!!!! WINNER!
Bouncebackability HAHA! This word is everywhere! Everyone trying to get it in the dictionary!
Ok, lets try and sort this out. This poll is for a band or artist to go into the UK music hall of fame! It doesn't matter where they are from, it...
UK music hall of fame Which 90's artist deserves to go into the UK music hall of fame. THE BEST DECADE EVER!!!! Lets have a Promise...
I couldn't be bothered to read all that but if this point hasn't been made already then: India is actually the second fastest growing economy...
Tricky one! I actually think the cons outweigh the pros with Turkey, although I certainly wouldn't want to isolate them from the rest of Europe it...
I've been deaf in my left ear all my life. Dead nerves. Just kinda adapted to it. When I used to DJ it was interesting. Can't imagine being able...
Well..... I needed the expensive treatment so it cost £2500 (us students always find money somewhere). It all depends on what problems you have....
I've had laser eye surgery Had it done yesterday! Shit me! Does all of this stuff really go on around me?!?! I feel great yet I'm not used to...
1. To always be 21 (& the missus coz I don't want an old coger for a lasss later in life!) 2. Own lots of very expensive property all around...
I went to my GP coz I had a lump in the you know where. Then BANG like lightning it was removed over 3 years later! Lucky it was only a hernia!...
Separate names with a comma.