???? that looks like the typing of a 17yr old moron, seeing as it looks like they have no concept of spelling/grammar ;) theres no need2 call...
wikid!!!ya wanna go sumtime theN?
old fatboy slim essential millenium mix, josh wink mix of dave clarke's compass, harry romero's beats volII, john lennon - legend, dave clarke...
ive got merrel red n blak leather ones now which r muchos spruce i think...even tho sum ppl seem2 think that they look like football...
spennymoor!!!!!!! wot!??! sounds like the nite that scandalous behaviour shud ave bin by now! id fancy a mooch sumtime tho!! :D
oi oi bigD! ive gotta corvin dalek mix cd now :D
y thankyoo ste! ;) jus remember that u still havent seen me pix from picotto + ferry corsetn/insmz :p .......now wheres me scanner hahahaha :D...
oh thanks m8 yeah...just as i thort that clubbin was just startin to pick up again, its clear that there are still loads of twats around still...
elloooooooo!!!! aye promise bird, am m8s with the spooksta, so mite c ya on her birthday nite!! daves man, i got a mile long tale to tell ya...
sweedish accents! any1 got one, or willing to adopt one for me ;) hehehehe, they is v nice :D
is the deibirate mistke not taht this isnt in the 'what ever happened to...' category?? hahaaaa
Matt Hardiwck 4hr Sets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! akkkk where have they gone to, n wen will they b back? i think every1 knows that he the man by now! :)
connection???? towbar????? whaat!?!?!? hehehe now worries marra *throws a towbar connector to chesta-l-strt* wotchya hed! :D
heheh...or u n lee b2b that is! :@) oh n more corvin dalek....i thort he was sprucetastix!
a fink a mite do! as long as i dont do the same as last yr n cock up all me college werk wif overdoin it on a msg board! lookin @ya amount...
iya all ive had bitsa shit bout goin cyber @the shack....usually wen avin a mooch around upstairs/gods/voodoo lounj best bet is to go around in...
ooh yeh, n wat bout the 'dancers' coz im sure every1s missing them soooooo much *snigger* :P
thats okay marra! hehehe this things fun! :D
gav green!!!!!! local talent 4fuxake!!! :D
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