From seeing my parents hypnotised by the Telly over the xmas holidays, i'd say we should be making very sure just WHAT we expose people to....
That thing is the bargain of the century. Full midi controller, sound card, regular decks that play off USB/HDD/CD, 2 decks in one ..... and...
i'd definately get a 900. It will allow you to move to traktor/ableton very easily, plus its brand new and everyone will be jealous that you have...
The 800's are a cut down version of the 1000's. If you learn how to use one of them, then you'll be able to use the other one easy peasy. Its...
Have a look into sponsorships or bursaries. Nobody wants to be crippled with tens of grands of debt for 2-3 decades. Its worth seeing if theres...
Its a set up (although i bet you thought i would say that). The 'official' story has more holes in it, than my 10 year old light blue, shit...
If thats the case, i wanna be the pregnant black girl. Or Clive Owen.
I quite fancy doing an open university Masters or PHD. So i can make drugs.
drugs justify police. the government likes lots of police. there will always be some war on 'something' that will justify the need for the...
From what i've read about it - its a load of bollocks for the following reasons. 1. the date the mayan calendar switched over, happened BEFORE...
respect to that. I dont have the stamina that i might have had 7-8 years previously. The rave kids must have thought 'who the fuck is this old...
Amazingly, i feel quite canny today. 25 quid parking ticket aside.
Aye shame about room 2, bit gutted others didnt get to play ... people were making movements which started to look like dancing right at the point...
All Hail Dan. That was a state beyond states ;)
ive been from throckley to cramlington, to town, back to throckley and will be going back into town later .... and the roads are totally pukka....
i hope i can make it up yours in a few hours like!
Get yourself along Spence. It will be a mini re-union of sorts. munters turned dj's ;)
I'll be there with 5-7 of my lot.
Electrovoya - Whispers
thats 'castles in the sky' off my playlist now :(
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