The Cotto fight should be ruled a no contest.But then what do you do about the belt?Cos moselys got it now
Dan white is a quality dj
It does have wireless built in yes, I dunno if those games have online features though
After finishing 7th it didnt seem so ridiculous at the time.Spending 8 million on 5 players isnt going to get you the best of quality though...
Lol aye I had it through NTL when I lived at my mothers but when I moved this house we enquired about it and thay said they had no plans to expand...
I couldnt find the headline for that day but I remember laughing alot while reading the story at the time
but still keeping the price down to a fiver maximum in the club or a quid each off the local dealer lol
Yeah.Do you have some witty sunderland banter as to why they didnt put it in?:lol:
Sky will do whatever they can to get you away from virgin because theyre the only real rival who does tv, interent and phonelines
I wonder if they did downgrade it then the quality would go back to what it was "5 years ago" or 15 years ago or whatever.Less risk for...
This one beats yours News of the World Exposé In March 1998, Shepherd and Douglas Hall were the target of a News of the World exposé, led by...
Activator in the UK is a very rare oppurtunity, I will probably not have any money for either though
Lol were they really saying it in 93???Theres always some cunt whos had better drugs than you.Theyre just gutted they were paying 20 quid a pill...
Sky broadband is spot on, I pay 15 for it and get unlimited downloads and it never slows down, unfortunately I can only gey 3 meg but atleast its...
I live on an estate thats 3 years old and the useless cunts didnt bother putting it in here
Yeah since BZP and MFPP have came about the majority contain no mdma at all but Until then I dont think the quality decreased that much from me...
:lol: I was going to say that, I first started taking them about 6 years ago and people were saying it.My first 6 month of doing them were...
He hasnt got stars on it has he???lol
Lol exactly mate, hammering the booze regularly will do as much dameage as the odd treble drop
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