Hoy me down for one if you need to make up the numbers :)
Grabbing this now sonna :)
It was the name of the CIA database of mujahadeen 'assets' of which Bin Laden was originally one of those assets.
So in other words. People who think 9/11 was an inside job are nutters, and even if it was an inside job they would have either admitted it or it...
I wonder how many other nations shit their pants about christianity when we went around spreading it by force throughout the Crusades.
haha Fuckin proud of it as well. :)
One video to watch based on facts, and released a few days ago by Charlie Sheen...
Have you ever stopped to think about just WHAT this world has become in the last 8 years since that day. ...... all of this because a few arab...
haha my brother spotted that as well.
Top fucking notch night. Took 5 hours to get there but who gives a toss. Menno was superb - better than last time i think. Played quite hard...
Dexter is the fucking bomb. Best 'series' on TV in my opinion. Every one so far has been brilliant. Cant wait to get stuck into this S4!
Just bought my tickets and driving up in four hours time. Cant wait!
I'd rather see neither to be honest - but i think the public would have a different opinion of the war if they saw casualties of war caused by us...
Of course we sit on our reserves. Maggie Thatcher closed the pits because in her own words it was cheaper to buy it from abroad than it was to dig...
An audio voiceover on the podcasts is a class idea actually, especially if its funny.
Good idea Master Kay. maybe set a time/track limit for each one and let the board get their creative juices flowing. Nice one sonna!
Last time i went i was 18 years old. I cant see myself ever going unless i have a problem that needs sorting out. Its impossible to get...
What do you think the war in the middle east is about right now. We sit on our reserves (coal and gas) and then go and steal someone elses -...
Separate names with a comma.