What's your budget teknoslops?
Yeah its on the main board temporarily to get peoples attention since its the boards own night.
REMINDER : Bank Holiday Monday. Nucastle.co.uk presents ... The Nucastle Podcast Presents : Anecdote: Monday 31st August @ Tokyo - Nucastle...
If that viking was our front man, i'd gladly make my first ever trip to a polling station to make my mark.
I hope your repenting for your sins!
Common sense? An end to corporate domination? A nation given back its liberty and freedom? It will NEVER catch on!
Get yerself down on MON!
Return of the Weekend Thread - What you up to!? Back by massive popular demand is none other than the WEEKEND THREAD!!!! So what you up to...
I've been watching her show on TMF. Total car crash TV. Makes you wonder the kind of people she surrounds herself with, who would bring...
Even in the bbc story, they said a lad had taken BZP and 'died' but then mentioned a few lines down that it was understood that he had also taken...
Good website this. Quality writing.
Michael Jackson Murdered?! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8219362.stm Dunno what to make of this. The health industry in the USA...
'Legal highs' set to be banned Two so-called "party" drugs and a man-made cannabis substitute will be banned by the end of the year, the Home...
In all fairness he did post at 4am so was likely under the influence of said 'loads of beer and champagne at floritas'. I'm guessing since it...
H.A.P.P.Y B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y M.R. K
Well just be happy in the knowledge that by the time your 30-35 you'll have more money than you'll know what to do with it..... The medical field...
You would think a pharmacologist on a clubbers message board would have been raking it in by now ;)
Yes and no. I did Accountancy and Financial Analysis at Uni when your fees were still paid, and it was the biggest fucking waste of time ever....
Separate names with a comma.