it's happended again.... :cry: :cry: Warning: mysql_connect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host '' (11004) in...
I have maximo park tickets, but I ain't selling!!
Re: Which DJs/Club nights have you "HERD NOTHING BUT GOOD THINGS ABOUT" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: genius........
£179 @ dolphin music
Yeah I want something with sliders, was thinking of getting a uc33e..
Good call, I never thought to check the Ableton site for a forum!! :dunce:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ableton controllers.... We used it on Fri live, and it went down really well........I just want a nice controller for it now!
Re: Re: Ableton controllers.... Yeah Sasha'a looks pretty tasty but it's a custom job......
Ableton controllers.... What are the options, what's on the market?
Wax:On was off the hook last night........ We played from 11 to 1 upstairs and the place was jumping.....Our 'live' show went even better than...
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hopefully.......! But we'll have to wait to see, it sounds decent in my bedroom :D
No changes made this end, it's working fine today! :spangled:
We've just spent all afternoon sorting our loops out to play some of our set off ableton tonight! After reading some of these posts I'm afraid if...
Great live, they were awesome at the Cross Central festival last year!!
It was Diefenbach (
Thanks guys.... :D
Board help...... The PGR board is showing this when I try to get on: Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on...
I'm sure she'll see the funny side...................................................after she's swung for you!
Separate names with a comma.