Seconded. I think anyone who risks their life protecting what they believe in is an amazing gesture. I'm inclined to agree with Teknoslops...
Woman who refused caesarian section was 'abusing' her child. New Jersey appellate court found that V.M. and B.G. had abused and neglected their...
If it involves the head of a glass collector being paraded around the town on a stick, then you can count on the full support of the board! :)...
Get some chewable 1000mg vitamin c tablets from tesco/asda/holland and barret, as well as some of the efferfescent stuff. Also get some high...
Actually ... a cramp in my thigh muscle was one of the most painful things ever. I've only ever had a few of them in my life and i felt like i...
what did you do to heal it .... oh sorry i meant what did 'YOUR MATE' do to fix it ;)
I'd prefer you to say stubbing your toe was worse, since it would give me some instant evidence anytime a girl gives it the whole 'yes but us...
I dont wanna know how you managed to do that ... ... actually on second thoughts ... .... HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO DO THAT????!!!!!!!!
:lol::lol: what the hell is that?!?!?
The plug one is facking horrific. I might have to agree with you on that one - i've been in near tears from doing that.
Cattle prod nation - been tasered yet? Notice how we are more and more being slowly conditioned into accepting fellow human beings being...
I've basically blagged my entire career since the year 2001 based on a book i read over about a month. Best thing i ever did.
Hahah ... I've been on the glade forums and thats a load of crap put forth by the Sun or something, who werent even there in official capacity....
Eventually it will come out that they arent his kids, but regardless ... the people who dared to suggest they didnt look like the offspring of a...
I know - Pilly Willy is a mare!
Celebrities are magical remember .... they can even defy the laws of genetics ;)
Added 200 people to my friends list in one day (i was proper smashed one night and decided to re-subscribe after having a break from it). The...
What does he expect - he's a money grabbing c0nt who buggered off to the states to line his pockets, and then decided he was too good for that and...
125 + booking fee i think. My brother got his last September or something (for this years event) so you can get them way ahead of time if need be....
Some things are worth it ;) Besides, other people move heaven and earth to go to the dam, berlin or other parts of the UK to see popular...
Separate names with a comma.