UNOS? ok by me!
i was a nice grunger! lol!
wow how many peepsdraw.............whose up for a group promise painting????????lol!
LMAO!!! i wasnt cyber then tho........i was goin thro me grunge shut up now! hahahahahahahahah! *hides*
aye i remember u sayin huni! tiz cool........i fink u should come to the journal on wrk take u out on me jobs wif me.....all i...
not that i can remember! lol! i spose its not a very girly hobby to have but i fukkin loved it!! not really a girly girl! lol!
:o dont say that!!!!!!!
ive a couple here u can have!
they not unusual..........not now anayway.......i paint, draw, have me dex............but i used to be a fireman.........well fire person on a...
u go windsurfin???????no way!
lol! ah well..............least we'll get a fewmore nites in at promise b4 we do..............
unusual hobbies........... i was just bein curious.......well nosey to whether any1 had any unusual interests.......i mean we all...
some1 mention food?????????????????? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmm..............yes please!
rite wen are these awards bein done then????? can iu do the pictures???????????:):):):):):):)
ritey ho! so u n giz gettin smashed is my mission......... easy peasy :D
hahahah! kerry dont tell me that! lol! ask al wot happend to him!!!!!!!! ;) but then few drinks in that pub we went in wif si...
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! thats it!! mint! cheers hunni!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):)
rite how bowt we plan it for in 2 weeks time????? we could go chiquitos (maybe) just as they have a happy hour on stuff n its fuuuuuuuuukin...
that was my reply btw! lol!
no, i was thinkin more of summat like chiquitos
Separate names with a comma.