lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:
rabbits.... found a website which i thought was mint and would like to share with u's :D www.angryalien.com
eeeeeeeerrrrrrrmmmm thinkin thinkin......... idea's dissapeared now - wot were we talkin about :p havin loadsa cash can be temptin - give it to...
aye that was it mate - was drivin me mad for a while :lol:
lmao - i wouldnt recomend drivin my car like - besides my car is no where near as powerful as ur old one so u'd probably get pee'd!! :lol: defo...
well if thats the case then why bother sayin anything :redface:
me thinks tigger is chilled out, as said b4 was just statin facts of wot happened! :D
mannnnnn wanna swop lives for a bit?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :D
told ya :p as lazy as me :D
yeah i was statin that i knew he wasnt as he was with me, hows that makin me paranoid???? statin the facts - and also iv never been bothered wot...
tbf when kids say sumthing wrong u cant help but laugh ........... i have a friend who has a young lad of 3 and the stuff he says which he...
bless them there great until they start answerin back - thats when im glad i can hand them back :D
nah she was a total bitch - she thought my lad was followin her - when he blatantly wasnt as he was with me and i should know!! then she started...
she was ur ultimate baby!!! bless i hardly see u much and im gonna miss it!! :cry: u'l find another one soon im sure a smaller engine will save...
well done rach!!!!! now to find a new one!! :D
ive met a fare few........all were sound to! ive met: Yoji biomehanika lab4 eddie halliwell lisa lashes anne savage andy farley oliver...
the 2 captures that got beat to death off the parents!!! GUD ON THEM I SAY!!!!!
apparently a women blew herself up which a couple of kids just ran for it!! the captures started chasin them shootin thats why the russian...
apparently the camera man for itv managed to get into the gym where they were bein held hostage b4 gettin gettin kicked out 1min later - said...
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