man and his horse? wot u on about? homemaker?
so u like scot project then?
i aint fallin for anythin chuck!
i didnt call YOU tacky...i said the way cyber was goin is tacky because its overdone! take that how u want! i cant really be arsed wif it no...
no 1 is sayin u aint as cool.........and i didnt start with the insults... i wonder who did tho?
oh, n jonny has known u as long as i have. please dont start with the name calling...he aint a retard
and all im sayin is that cyber aint the be all and end all to everythin.....i dont think people should be put down purely because they choose not...
do i wear any of the above? erm no, i fukkin dont! case closed!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....b4 we start about me earings...wot the fuk did u hav on yer head on friday?? was that not tacky??? hmmmmmm....???????
u cant dress cyber for ever....there comes a point when it looks tacky and over done...*ahem!*;)
thrillseekers..synaethesia binary finary airtight crazy malamute. free to ride sure theres lots lots more but my memory aint wot...
oh im so upset :(.......... but u can have best dressed peopke that aint cyber u no.....ur bein very narrow minded! :p origionality is wot...
no contest....after corvins wet n hard it gotta be floaty floaty trance all the way..................:):)::):):):):)
1. Who is the meanest and nastiest person on the board? it aint technofish.....hmmmmmm....evil jonny ;);) 2. Who is the prettiest?...
tiz exactly wot we was talkin bowt the other nite... most people wouldnt notice. but a lot of people who go clubbin get into mixin themselves...
lol n here was me finkin u said houston! lol!
im from manchester! :) well actually :( im stayin up here tho...this is me home now n i lurve it! :):king:
if its dark bloo itl be plain...lite bloo salt n vinegar!
avoid the bigg market at all costs, unless u wanna hang around with 50 yr old bleach blond slappers with their guts hanging out over their very...
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