Clearly :D The resistance of the year: :up:
This nerd is gonna smack ye one on Saturday :screw: :lol: :D
Try running scandisk and see what it comes up with, you may have some bad sectors on the drive that have corrupted some system files. First...
Happy Birthday peeps :D
You've got enough memory, but an extra 512 would do you good :up: Get a prog called Safe XP here: - read the...
Re: Re: Weekend!! Yup :D Me and Matt from Busted are getting all dolled up, and we're bringing along our little bitch too :) See you tonight...
I do agree, his language is fouler than mine! :spangled:
Sounds like your pc is pretty screwed tbh. You can try fixing cmffld80.dll by getting OptimizedWiFiSites.exe from...
Did I win anything? :confused:
Him and Aldous Huxley :up: :(
Do you get any blue screens with error messages on? If so, are there any saying you have an error in xxxxx_vxd or whatever? (xxxxx being anything,...
Agreed - Channel 4 has turned shockingly shite :down: It's still got some credentials at the mo with things like Shameless though :up:
Love DJ Assault :love: :up:
I've only just got in from work too... :( :( :( Weekdays suck! :cry:
My bedtimes 9, I have to be up at 5 :( :(
I would, but it's way past l'il dodgy's bedtime :(
Pitcher's cheap on student nights, don't know about Fridays.
Hail to the fat cat. :) The preceding message was brought to you by dodgy.corp, a division of, all rights...
Gut :up: Don't think the radicalist pressing will play in my soon-to-arrive by Revolutionist an Post 3000's though. :(
Separate names with a comma.