thats sounds promising!! lol wot must he think of every1!! lol:lol:
DAMNIT u took ur time to answer it!!! lmao ur dads?? oooops!! im sure he laughed!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
well done jimmy mate!!!!!!
eeeeeerrrrrrmmmmmmm the things missing would b: 1. me lamborgini diablo (love them cars but unless i win the lotto will never have one...
As i have said b4............. his expressions r amazing!!!!!!!
i have proof - i'l get ya a copy
lmfao 3 times over - we'l find one!!
thats the scary thing - HE IS!! im gonna get a copy of a picture of him in my fluffy skirt and bra - its mint!!!
a pure laugh - especially to c slash in a skirt again!!!
its bein done for a TW5 reunion - not every weekend!
i said...... NICE ONE BRUVVER!!!! lol
lmao sorry hun - im not with it........EVER!! lol:o :lol:
doesnt have 2 b cyber jimmy mate, just everyday wear camo gear if ya want:p
oooooops that was me, thought i had logged in but i used slash's id!! never mind :lol:
:rofl: - every1 knows and loves slash he is a pure legend
if i can i will get a pic of slash in MY pink fluffy bra, skirt and leg warmers!! he wears it everytime he comes to me house - he loves it!!! but...
but graham........ when r u ever in the house to contact u??:lol:
best thing is he suits it!!!! :lol: :lol:
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