how can i have been funny wif u?? iv only spoken to u on here 4 gods sake...n i havnt spoken to u any diferently!
well then maybe thats y i blanked u! i dont take kindly to bein called a slag innit :p
this has been the 1st 1! n yes its been insulting! every post we ever put up to each other has been! y change the habbit of a life time? lol! n...
yes but this post wasnt serious joe! wen i have i seen u to be moody wif ya? tsk! obviously i touched a nerve too sayin u were arse lickin! jeez!
auw there there little boy! wots good enuff for u is good enuff for me! if u cant take it thats your problem! the whole post started out in...
totally! n u wanna read the wheres magpie post too! but then i fink u already have! lol!
im not talkin just of this instance, but pretty much anytime some1 says anythin slightly against promise there u are all defensif! n as far as...
ace! shall we have a bottle of wine each b4 we leave too??
the one on the left! OMG it is her!
u said it! people aint allowed a frikkin opinion on this board without mr smartE pants stickin his oar in!
yeah jonny said he was, but mike aint here :( hes gotta work on sat bless him
it was u! my god i thought i was goin mad n had dreamt it! lol!
do u really fink id miss him? i wanna watch some DJ box aerobics lol!
y do u hav a naked picture of taucher? im scared of u! lol!
o stop being so over the top u moron!. for a start i wasnt willing to pay £17 for the birthday coz i didnt like the line up.....if i had i woulda...
they all look the same to me! lol!
and in my opinion u are! ;) n no i wont annoy any1 else...i only enjoy annoyin u!:p
get a life n stop findin fault wif everyfin i say! in my OPINION it was to expesif...whether or not it was one of my best nites is irrelevent...
uv some explainin to do mr! where the fook were ya? :(
Re: Are they really charvas? :eek: u cant say that! i met em n i thought they were luvlee!
Separate names with a comma.