I'll be getting my Personal License within the next few months :up: :D
To help get to sleep try: A brisk walk an hour or so before bedtime :up: Not spending time in your bedroom before you plan to go to sleep...
What he said. :up:
It's actually called tax - National Insurance contributions do not go to healthcare, they go to benefits. :lecture:
hmmm......................... mint. :D
The Daily Shit [img]
The Tit Tat Tally Tolly Tiddle Toddle Toodle Toodaloo Times :p
Vacuum-packed for freshness from Tokyo's train stations :up: Bottled schoolgirl sweat too... :cool2: I work for The Man, i supposedly have...
It's even more worring that news corp are publishing The Mein Kampf Daily local rag in Gloucestershire :o
The Iraqi's love it!! They love it so much they even take time out to pose for photo's! :D
Hmm. Not really 'working' as Suprnova is closed... None have been updated since mid-December. I recommend www.lokitorrent.com - u have to...
Yeah!! I'm backing U.S. surgeons - #1!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooohh!! Yeah!! Woooooooooohh!! :D :monkey:
'Gash' means 'fucking quality' now, does it :confused: Gash! :up:
The Mole People Tribune :D
Buggering shit, whilst recreational, is still not as good as going to the gym :p
Nice. @ Melt - I can't be bothered to list anything, esp when you know that you've been being a twat. I've added you to my ignore list, bye bye :)
Friday - Backlash @ Fiddler, yay! :D Saturday - being naughty ;) Sunday - going for a walk in the country :o And I'm off work Mon and Tues!...
Try having a :chill: and a coupla base bombs beforehand too - that's good for your heart :D ;)
Can't drink. I just hate anyone trying to treat me like shite. :mad:
My problem is you acting like a complete fucking arse. Either stop it or fuck off. That is all. ps I can't PM.
Separate names with a comma.