egypt cottage come on the peeps tell me all the goss! wot did i miss?? TSK@avin to cover bloody hexplosions in north shields :(:(:(:(
i dont understand...r u german really?:confused:
i went outside to 'see' some1 but i couldnt get back in and eventually got taken home....i was a lil worse for wear n needed me bed sorry babs :(
*sings* happy bday toooooo yooooooooooooooooooooooo
did u?????????:confused: i dont rremember that?
ouch! :o
ooooooooooooh i dont mind as long as he plays rank1 airwave n dj energy end of time :):):):):):):):) if he does thatl be me in a big heap in...
oooooooooh thats mean! lol!
your silliest drunken antics?! was just rememberin the time me n hels nicked a garden swan full of flowers n dragged it up from newcastle to...
wot a class nite! met dr HH n dr mick which was kewl n a few others too all i really remember bowt the nite was all us girlies sat in the...
aye bein to packed is orrid it spoilt red n black a bit i hateit wen theres no room to dance :(
im not goin me+crasha+nec=nitemare:mad: grrrr!
yes, 99 the year of trance, cyber was new, makin yer own outfits.....aaah them were the days!!!
LMFAO! aye joe may be alreet yet! ;)
nah i think its more a case of the supa club dyin! peeps are preferin places more like promise now with an underground had to...
thats better than bein told u have legs like kermit the frog! lol!
ooooooooooooooh i voted HH but how funny would pop be?? imagine all the dolly bird dancin goin on there eh fufu???!?!?!? :):):)
lol! yer not angry at me then! *phew!* thats ok :):):)
nicknames wot were yer nicknames at school?? mine was muppet legs coz i has to wear orrid green wooly tites :(:(:(
Re: Whats your sexuality? no, i think this is u trying to come out, but suss out peeps reactions 1st!!
Separate names with a comma.