LMAO! itl save ur money too...least u wont need to buy a prezzi!
NOOOOOOOOOOO! this is terrible! but then i spose it was a hard task for it to be as good and full to capacity as it was week after week nearly 2...
JOE is just jealous coz hes too much of a poof to do anyfink like this aint that rite u bender?!
cud it not just av been some nob heed wif nowt better to do???:rolleyes:
that takes the fun out of it :(
woohoo! im goin rally drivin! heheh! one o me bosses is a rally driver n im goin wif him thurs nite! if i survive il tell ya all about it on...
y was he deleted?? i been in london n missed everyfink!
i gotta silver one n i fink fu fu gotta pink un
aye but she a bit butch tho now innit! mel that is, not angel glitter
no she has ANGEL written on her belly innit! doh! n no i didnt think it up meself:rolleyes:
hahaha! i so nearly misread that! :D
guy o whose goin? i hope u all are coz i aint been for over a month now n im missin ya'z!
its the freckles that do it! lol!
:o doesnt mel C have the same fing done?:rolleyes:
scarey che look-a-like! OMG! me n mike were watchin jay jay the airplane this mornin.......well, erm, we were switchin channels lol!.....wen we...
but youl c me knickers :(
i cant wear me pink pants :( the zips knackerd :( any1 no how to fix cyberdog zips?
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