ooooooooooooooooooooooooh me sooooooooooooooooooooo hoopes so :( :)
lol@broody cds!! thanks chuck! :D
seventy people!?!?!?! MY GOOD GOD!:o
I didnt take special brew in!!! thats the whole point! lol! i was oblivious to that fact that it had been sneaked in! lol! anyway...i hope i...
the pvd one off muzik about 2 yrs ago :( BUT SOME FUKKERS NICKED IT:mad:
find some blokes!:rolleyes:
does it go cone shaped as well?
messy misses her floof lil jem please can u bring me boots into promise on get sum1 to pik em up off ya....i need em fer...
its massiiiiiif! :)
i want 'crazy to ride'....but i doubt even if any of u had it ud swap it! :(
hahahaha!!! ooooooooooooh im flattered!!! :D *goes red*:o but can some1 please buy these dex?!?! lol!!!!
OMG!! can i come to this??? pleaaaaaaaaaase :):):) we were gunna go mayday but i fink id rather go here :D
do they cost loads n loads to run??? i wouldnt mind 1 fer me front room! lol!!:D
u no as much as me chuck......i aint ever called the police or caused any trouble with the bouncers (i aint that type) but they seem to think i...
SI!!!! sorry i didnt meet u in sterio....the same bouncers r on the door there as promise n they wouldnt let me in :(:(:(:( *sobs* i'll meet u...
*Sniffle* boooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo :(:(:(:(:(:(:( i missed it too
ooh i gotta go off here now............ txt me.....jules has me number!
hmmmmmmmmm........jus finkin of meet up wiv u's early or summink.......i aint comin promise tho
yes n therefor iv ended up wif a load of pix of peeps i dont even no!!!! :o wot time u comin up2 newc??????
did any1 go to the 'unofficial' luv parade at exhibition park?? it wa SOOOOOOO FUNNY!! it was just a load of punks playin sex pistols anarchy!!...
Separate names with a comma.